Winter trips with children: 10 great ideas for cold days!

Feb 27, 2024Adrian K
Ausflüge im Winter mit Kindern: 10 tolle Ideen für kalte Tage!

Winter is a special season that offers families unique opportunities to spend time together. Despite the cold, there are plenty of winter activities to do with kids that are fun and educational at the same time. In this article we present ten great ideas for winter trips with children that combine fun, adventure and education.

1. Adventures in the snow: building a snowman and snowball fight

Winter is a magical time, especially for children who explore the world through play and adventure. One of the most classic and popular winter activities is building a snowman. This activity not only provides entertainment, but also a chance for children to develop their creativity and teamwork skills. Parents can accompany this process by encouraging their children to customize their snowman - with carrots for a nose , stones for the eyes and maybe an old hat as an accessory. This not only promotes creativity, but also strengthens the parent-child bond. Playing in the snow is one of the most popular ideas for winter with children.

2. Tobogganing: Fun on the toboggan runs

Tobogganing is not only an idea for a classic winter pastime, but also a fantastic way to have fun with the whole family. The joy of tobogganing often begins with the climb, where children can explore the winter landscape. Whether on traditional wooden sledges or modern sleigh rides, the descent offers a thrill that children love.

In many regions there are toboggan runs specially designed for families that perfectly combine safety and fun. These rides are often designed to be suitable for younger children, with safety always being the top priority. In some places there are even illuminated toboggan runs.

3. Visit to the wildlife park: animals in hibernation

A visit to a wildlife park in winter offers a unique experience for children and adults alike. While many creatures hibernate during the colder months, there are others that are particularly active at this time of year.

  • Journey of discovery through the wildlife park: Wildlife parks often offer guided tours where children can learn more about the behavior of animals in winter. Children find it fascinating to learn how creatures adapt to cold conditions.
  • Observe fauna in hibernation: Some creatures, such as bears or marmots, spend the winter sleeping. This offers a rare opportunity to observe these creatures in a calm state and learn more about hibernation.
  • Active in winter: Deer or wolves remain active even in winter. Children can observe these creatures and learn about their winter survival strategies. This is also an opportunity to teach children respect for nature and its creatures.
  • Interactive learning activities: Many wildlife parks offer special workshops or activities for children to learn more about winter wildlife. Such activities can range from simple craft lessons to educational games.

4. Ice skating: pirouettes on the ice

Ice skating is a fantastic winter activity that children and adults alike enjoy. Not only is it a fun pastime but it also offers numerous health benefits. Ice skating improves balance, coordination and physical strength. It's also a great way to boost children's confidence as they learn to stay on the ice and maybe even master some tricks. It is one of the most popular ideas.

5. Crafts and creativity: winter works of art

This is a great way for families to spend the cold winter days indoors while having fun. Through creative crafts, children can develop their imagination and fine motor skills. Here are some ideas to stimulate your children's creativity this time of year:

  • Cut snowflakes out of paper: This is a classic winter activity. Children can learn how to create unique snowflakes from simple paper squares using various cutting techniques. This not only promotes creativity, but also the ability to work precisely.
  • Painting or crafting winter landscapes: Children can create their own winter landscapes using paints, paper, cotton wool (for snow effects) and other materials. They can express their ideas about winter.
  • Making Christmas decorations: Whether it's making your own Christmas cards, creating Christmas tree decorations or making small gifts for family members - these activities are not only entertaining, but also strengthen the family bond.

6. Winter hikes: Nature in winter dress

Winter hikes offer a unique opportunity to experience the environment from a different perspective. When the landscape is covered in snow, a magical atmosphere is created that can be particularly fascinating for children. Such hikes are not only a source of physical activity, but also provide educational opportunities by teaching children about the changes in the environment during the cold season.

7. Skiing: Adventure on the mountain

Skiing is not only an exciting winter activity, but also an excellent way for children to improve their motor skills and balance. Many ski areas offer special courses for children in which they can learn to ski safely under the guidance of experienced instructors.

For children who have never skied before, an introductory course is the perfect start. These courses focus on the fundamentals of skiing, including proper posture, braking and turning. It is important that children are introduced to the sport slowly and with a lot of patience in order to promote a positive attitude towards skiing. Skiing in the snow is one of the most popular ideas for winter.

8. Cocoa enjoyment: warming up after outdoor fun

After a day of outdoor activities, nothing beats warming up with a cup of hot cocoa. This also offers a great opportunity for families to relax and share experiences of the day.

9. City trips: Cultural diversity in winter

City trips can also be attractive in winter. Museums, theater performances and cultural events offer varied entertainment for the whole family.


What to do with small children in winter?

Activities such as building a snowman, simple tobogganing adventures or visiting an indoor playground are particularly suitable for small children.

What can you do in winter without snow?

Even without snow, there are many options: visits to zoos, museums, creative craft lessons or indoor playgrounds offer varied entertainment.

Winter offers families a wealth of opportunities to experience unforgettable moments together. From outdoor activities in the snow to educational visits to museums and wildlife parks, there is something for every family to discover. Use this cold period of the year to have fun with your children while gaining valuable learning experiences.

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