When should I let my child sleep with a blanket? A comprehensive guide

Oct 05, 2023KraftKids Team
Ab wann Kind mit Decke schlafen lassen? Ein umfassender Ratgeber

The question of when should a child sleep with a blanket concerns many new parents. It is important to create the optimal sleep environment for your child to minimize risks and ensure safe sleep.

The first few months: sleeping bag instead of duvet

In the first months of life, it is recommended that babies sleep in a sleeping bag. The reason: A sleeping bag reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome because it does not hinder the baby's breathing. In addition, the temperature in the sleeping bag remains constant and the baby cannot kick around. Duvets can pose a risk at this age because babies are not yet able to lift their heads well and could therefore suffocate under the blanket.

Reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome: One of the main benefits of sleeping bags is that they reduce the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome. Because they fit tightly to the baby's body and have no loose parts, there is no material to cover the baby's face and impede his breathing.

Pillows and head cushions in the baby bed

While pillows and especially pillows may seem comfortable, it is better to avoid them in the first few months. The main risk is similar to the blanket: a baby can easily get under it and in the worst case suffocate case. Therefore, pillows and baby pillows should only be placed in the child's bed from the first year of life at the earliest and after consulting experts.

Another important reason to avoid using pillows is to ensure optimal head development. In the first few months, the baby's skull is still very soft and flexible. A pillow could fix the head in a position that is not ideal for the development of the head shape. A flat pillow or even no pillow can help promote a symmetrical head shape.

In addition, the pillow can restrict air circulation around the baby's head, which can lead to overheating. Constant and fresh air circulation is essential to ensure that the baby does not overheat and to further reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

From sleeping bag to blanket

As children get older, they often develop the desire to sleep with a blanket like their grown-ups do. But when is the right time for this? Many experts recommend not switching from a child's sleeping bag to a duvet until the child is around 18 months old. Nevertheless, the sleeping bag often remains the preferred choice until the child is three years old.

However, you should always take the child's individual abilities and preferences into account. Some children continue to feel more comfortable and secure in a sleeping bag, while others express a desire to use a blanket. Here it can make sense to start with short periods of sleep under the blanket, for example during the afternoon nap, and observe how the child reacts to this.

The type of ceiling also plays a role. It is advisable to choose light and breathable duvets to avoid overheating. You should also make sure that the blanket is not too big for the cot and that the child cannot be wrapped up in it.

Despite the possibility of switching to a blanket, the sleeping bag often remains the preferred choice of many parents until the age of three because it offers many advantages. For example, it prevents the child from freezing at night if they push away the blanket and provides a constant temperature.

Sleeping without risks: What you should pay attention to

The risk of sudden infant death is highest, especially in the first months of life. Therefore, it is important to design the sleep environment carefully. That means:

  • The child should always sleep on his back.
  • There should be no loose objects such as cuddly toys in the baby's bed.
  • The mattress should be firm and fit snugly into the crib.
  • The temperature in the room should be between 16 and 18 degrees.
  • Duvets should be light and breathable to allow good air circulation.

Blanket or sleeping bag – which is better for older children?

The blanket can be a good option for small children and older children, provided they can move freely and kick the blanket away when necessary. Nevertheless, many parents still swear by the sleeping bag because it keeps the temperature constant and that Minimizes the risk of children struggling and getting cold.

More tips for a safe sleeping environment

In addition to the right duvet or sleeping bag, other factors are also crucial for your child to sleep safely:

  • The mattress should be turned regularly.
  • The bed should not be near radiators or windows.
  • Avoid having too many duvets or pillows in your child's bed.
  • Make sure that the child's head remains free at all times and is not covered by blankets or pillows.

In summary, both sleeping bags and blankets have their advantages. It depends on the individual development and preferences of the child which option is most suitable. Always pay attention to safety and that your child does not overheat in their sleeping environment and always gets enough fresh air. This way you can ensure a restful sleep for your child and yourself.

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